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For hundreds of years, people from different societies tried to find a solution to ease pain during surgery. It wasn’t until 1846 that William Morton publicly and effectively used anesthetics during an operation. In 2016, 170 years later, this medicine is still being used in modern hospitals, dentist offices, and surgery centers. There is no need to be in pain during a surgery anymore with the invention of anesthesia, a medicine that numbs the sensation of pain.

Contact us today at 706-549-5033 for any questions you have concerning your upcoming surgery.

3 Types of Anesthesia

At Oral Athens Surgery Center, we offer three different types of anesthetics depending on your needs. Three medicines used during oral surgery include local anesthesia, nitrous oxide, and intravenous (IV) sedation. Depending on the type of anesthesia needed, this medicine can be given via an injection or through inhaled gases.

Local Anesthesia

This medicine is used for minor procedures and only numbs a certain part of your body. During procedures requiring local anesthesia, you will be conscious. It takes roughly 3-6 minutes for your body to react to the medicine, blocking any sensation of pain in the area that may occur.

Nitrous Oxide

You may know nitrous oxide by its informal name, laughing gas. This anesthetic is a colorless gas that helps reduce anxiety. Nitrous oxide does not provide deep levels of sedation. Therefore, laughing gas is often used in conjunction with local anesthesia. With the combination of these two types of medicine, you will be free of anxiety and feel no pain during the procedure.

Intravenous Sedation

Intravenous (IV) sedation is the strongest type of anesthetics offered in an office setting. The medicine is usually given through an IV in your arm and within minutes, you are unconscious. This allows you to not feel any pain during surgery.

Which Type of Anesthesia Should I Use?

Dr. Tomlinson will know exactly what type of anesthesia is best for the upcoming procedure. However, several elements will affect the decision making process such as:

  • Past and current medical history
  • Type of procedure
  • Test results
  • Any known allergies
  • Cigarette and alcohol use

Contact us today at 706-549-5033 to schedule an appointment.