Many people believe dental implant myths, and they are keeping them from their best smile, yet! Don’t believe dental implant myths such as they are too expensive or look unnatural. The Athens Oral Surgery Center team is here to debunk common myths and help you feel confident about your dental implants.
Do you have questions about dental implants? Contact us today!
Discover the truth behind dental implant myths:
Myth #1: Dental Implants Are Uncomfortable & Look Unnatural
On the contrary, implants are very comfortable and are designed to look (and feel) like real teeth. The procedure itself isn’t painful, as well. Dr. Tomlinson will use either local anesthesia or IV sedation to numb your mouth. Once the implants are placed securely within the mouth, your comfortable and natural-looking teeth are ready for you!
Myth #2: Dental Implants Are Too Expensive
Before making your consultation appointment, call your insurance company to see if they cover implants (some do)! However, even if your insurance company doesn’t cover them, implants are often the most cost-effective choice when you need to replace teeth due to their longevity and durability.
Myth #3: Dental Implants Require Special Care
This is false! We recommend caring for your implants like you would your natural teeth. Brush your implants multiple times a day, floss, avoid sugary foods and drinks, and see your dentist for regular checkups. Apart from your post-op instructions, you and your implants are good to go.
Myth #4: A Regular Dentist Can Install My Implants
While a licensed dentist can install your implants, you should trust your local oral surgeon. Dr. Tomlinson is highly trained and has extensive experience regarding implants. You will feel the recovery difference when you choose the Athens Oral Surgery Center team to take care of you.
Are you ready for your dental implant consultation? Call us today at 706-549-5033 to set up an appointment.